Johnson Brothers Farm &
Shane and Mary Byerly
864-943-4178 or 864-980-2364
Natural Raised Beef is beef that has
been raised on pasture (with some hay) and grain fed. It has received
no antibiotics, growth hormones or animal by-products. The up most care has been given to our calves so that you can receive the up most quality.
Johnson Brothers Farm is a locally owned farm that was established in the early 1960's and dedicated to providing the best quality product possible. Our beef is USDA inspected and custom processed to your liking. Everything is vacuum packed to insure quality and freshness.
Example of cost: Live weight Hanging weight
Whole calf 950 lbs 575 lbs X
$3.00 = $1725.00
Half calf 425 lbs 287.5 lbs X
$3.00 = $862.50
Quarter calf 212.5 lbs 143.75 lbs X
$3.00 = $431.25
Beef hangs for 10 to 14 days before
being processed. Delivery takes approximately 3 weeks. A $50.00 non-refundable
deposit is required before processing.
I would like to receive (check one)
____Whole calf ____Half
Calf ____Quarter calf
Signature of buyer_____________________________